The team of the FactoRIS II Project is one of the organisers of specialised seminar series for Czech SMEs that have been organised under the umbrella of EIT Manufacturing and Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) in December 2022: Czech Technology Days with EIT Manufacturing.
The seminars are focused on the digitalization of production and Czech companies can choose from a wide range of training courses tailored to their needs.
Participants will get concrete suggestions for implementing digital technologies and for increasing the efficiency and flexibility of production. Experts from CTU researchers will share their know-how in the field of advanced manufacturing and the use of digital tools in robotics, production technologies, data handling or process optimization.
The seminars have been held in Czech and designed for professionals from industrial production, especially technologists and other personnel responsible for the optimal use of tools.
What makes the seminars unique:
- Unique combination of expert commentary, practical demonstrations and interactive content
- Training prepared by international teams and leaders in their field
- Practically focused topics using industry demonstrators
- Use of Skills.move training materials for free – one of the last options before the learning platform charges a fee
- English content materials with expert commentary in Czech, led by CTU experts
- Upon completion, participants will receive an EIT Manufacturing European Certificate of Completion
Specific seminars prepared with the support of FactoRIS II project:
Monitoring of Machine Tool Condition
12 December 2022, 12:30-14:00
Online seminar will focus on the importance of data in smart manufacturing. You will learn how to use available data from machine tool control systems to monitor machine utilization and improve machine efficiency.
Monitoring of the Machining Process with Data from Machines
13 December 2022, 10:00 – 11:30
Online workshop focused on the use of available data from machine tool control systems; the use of this data for monitoring machine and cutting process utilization with a focus on optimal use of cutting tools.