Author archives

Workshop at FEUP in Porto

Within the scope of the “FactoRIS II” project, a presencial workshop will be held at Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto: Date: Wednesday 14 December 202214:00 – 17:15 Venue: FEUP, Porto It will be about the DINASORE framework and its different use cases in specific industrial scenarios.FactoRIS team will demonstrate and guide participants through …

Seminars on Industry 4.0 in Slovakia

FactoRIS II Project Coordinator – Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava / STUBA – in cooperation with the Industry Innovation Cluster / IIC are organising a set of seminars on the Industry 4.0 topics. Dates of the seminars: 13, 14 or 15 December 2022 (based on capacity and interest, online or on-site) The free-of-charge training …

Czech Technology Days – FactoRIS II Workshops

The team of the FactoRIS II Project is one of the organisers of specialised seminar series for Czech SMEs that have been organised under the umbrella of EIT Manufacturing and Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU) in December 2022: Czech Technology Days with EIT Manufacturing. The seminars are focused on the digitalization of production and …

Workshop on VR & AR for Training of Operators by Unimore

Date: 15 December 2022, Time: 14:00-18:00 FactoRIS II kindly invites participants to the specialised workshop related to the Learning Path #3: “Virtual and Augmented Reality for Training of Operators”. Title: FactoRIS II_584 Virtual and augmented reality for training of operators Description: The workshop shows how Virtual and Augmented Reality technologies can help to train operators …

FactoRIS II Project was Presented at InnovEIT Festival in Athens

FactoRIS II Project was introduced to the audience of the EIT Manufacturing RIS Hubs conference on 5 October 2022 in Athens, which was held within the InnovEIT Festival. During 5-7 October 2022, EIT Manufacturing organised this event in Athens, which comprised of a series of high-level events. Within “Deep Tech in Manufacturing: The high potential …

2nd FactoRIS II consortium meeting at STUBA

On September 22 we took the opportunity and organized the second consortium meeting of the FactoRIS II project, this time at the STUBA Learning Factory in Bratislava. We were happy that despite tight semester-starting schedules of the partners representatives of all of them could be present. Some of the other joined the meeting remotely. On …

High school students at STUBA Learning Factory

Following the success of the recent visit of youngsters to the STUBA Learning Factory, on September 7 we took the opportunity to welcome a bit older fellows from Slovak high schools who took part in the programme called Summer university for high school students. Within their schedule they visit our learning factory laboratories and took …

FactoRIS again for kids

While still remembering a very interesting experience from the last year, on July 20 the STUBA learning factory again welcomed dozens of curious small kids from a summer camp organised by the AMAVET – an Association for youth, science and technology. The FactoRIS II team members were more than happy to make them familiar with …

Hungarian-Croatian visit to STUBA Learning Factory

On July 14 the STUBA LF received a visit of representatives of Óbuda University from Hungary, together with their Interreg project partners from Croatian universities and industry. During their visit to STUBA they expressed interest in visit laboratories active in the field of smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0 in general, hence the Slovak learning factory …

EITM Doctoral School meets FactoRIS

Since FactoRIS II partners STUBA, CUT and FEUP are also the members of the EITM Doctoral School programme, we were pleased to take part also in its Summer School which in 2022 took place in person at CUT and STUBA. Of course, STUBA Learning Factory could not miss at this event, and provided an interesting …